Matches and events module

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Time order

Enter the match/event

Edit match/event


Match type, Opponent, Place


Manager's operation in this module



The matches and events tab offers and easy way of organising and managing matches, trainings, celebrations etc. It enables managers to enter one off and recurring events, opponents and their contacts, meeting time and place etc. Managers can invite whole teams or just individual players to events. Once the match is over, they can also add results to them and match them with photos or videos from the Gallery. It is possible to open discussions connected with particular events, or pass tasks onto people. You can organise a recent season or have a look at events from a previous one.


It is one of the most important and commonly used modules. There is a space here for active managers entering new events and their colleagues watching recent events.


This tab is one of the benefits of becoming a manager - only they have a right to enter new matches and events.





Matches and events are divided by colourful backgrounds and an icon. This is not the only difference between these two categories. The main difference is that you need to add an opponent to a match, it is also possible, but not necessary, to highlight the type of match (cup, friendly match etc.), choose home or away and after the match add a result.


The event is primarily dedicated to event types, such as trainings, camps, unofficial events, but also meeting friends, closing seasons etc.


Of course, it is not a problem to accommodate both categories to your needs. For example,a result or opponent can also be seen in the event tab, if you use Notes, where you can write anything.


On the list, you can see the name of an event, or the opponent, match time, location, importance, space for results and a short description. All the information can be found in the event detail, which you access by clicking on a headline.


Filters can be used if there is a large number of events. This will make your work much easier. Filters are not dependant on each other, none of them has a priority. The final display is a combination of all entered parameters.




Time order

The default event order is from future matches and events. We order them from the top to the bottom from the most recent upcoming events to past events.


If you choose past events, on the first page you will find the latest organised event according to the date.


Whenever - ordered from the oldest events to the most future events.



You can also divide dates into seasons.. More info about this topic in Settings module.



Enter match/event

To open the form for entering a match or an event use the buttons „+Match" or „+Event" placed next to the big headline Matches and events. This is available for managers only.


There is a minimum of obligatory items (marked with a star).

Optional items can be found in packed boxes, if you want to fill them in, open them by clicking on them.





It is necessary to enter the date in a format, and time in the format hh:mm.


Other items are rather intuitive. In case you need to make some last minute changes, simply use the Notes function to add information about an upcoming event.. opponent

The beginning of the text is displayed on the list of matches/events, the whole content can be found in the detail.


The date, when the teammates are supposed to enter the attendance by, is not functionally connected to the application, even past the date it is possible to confirm/refuse attendance. It rather plays a role of notification.


The coaches will appreciate the function of nominating individuals for events. It is not always necessary to invite everyone. It is also convenient for dividing a team into more groups during trainings, tournaments etc.

If you want to notify people about event cancellation without deleting it from the list, use the function Cancel event. It will be marked as Cancelled on the list.




Similar to Events, but with a few key differences as described below.


Instead of entering the name, we enter an opponent. Either we enter a new opponent, or choose an existing opponent from the list. In case of a new opponent, you need to fill in at least the the name, other information is optional.


With the place, choose home match/away match, which influences the order:

Home match- your team is mentioned first

Away match - the first place belongs to an opponent



You can also enter a type of the match which further divides matches and defines them better on the list, for example friendly match, tournaments, long term competition etc.


Once the match has been played, enter the result. The field is not connected with any other function so don't hesitate to enter any comments - the complete text is displayed in detail. You can also use Field Notes where there are no restrictions regarding the number of characters.



Recurring match/event

In the enter the match/event form there is a tab placed in the right part called Recurring match/event.


Use this function if you want to duplicate an event. That means that you don't have to enter trainings one by one as they happen regularly for the whole season. It can also be very convenient for entering matches which have the same parametres and start at the same time. After saving the match, you can just change the opponent.


The entering procedure is similar to one off event:


- It is obligatory to enter the name (event) or opponent (match)

- The date has been replaced by Enter as a repetitive event - choose the period of time from when to when, choose the day and the time when it starts

- Other fields are optional



Edit match/event

Only managers can edit events. You can change almost everything but be careful about choosing members for the attendance as you want everyone to see the change. For example someone confirms the attendance and after editing the event he is taken out of the nomination but doesn't find out about it as he hasn't checked it.


While editing the event you will see tabs with files, tasks or news which have been created and matched with this particular event. You are then fully informed about the match/event.





Everybody has access to Detail by clicking on headlines of individual events. That can be done in the Line-up module or anywhere else where you see match/event.


All the information about the events can be found here, including the complete description which couldn't fit into the overview (mainly results, notes). It is possible to print the page from here (the link is under the individual profiles).


Type of the match, Opponent, Place

These buttons can be used to access the list of parametres. You will find the information which is filled in while creating a match/event. It is also a place which enables managers to edit old or incorrect information.



The same as with the Line-up, you can generate matches and events in different data formats.


Manager's operation in this module

  • Enter, edit and delete match/event
  • Edit types of events, opponents and venue


Use our services in these areas:
Strategy / Communication / Events / Digital