Team roles

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My profile



You only need one registration to become a member of more than one team. You can have different roles in different teams.




It is mostly the person who created the team. Only the owner can delete a team profile. There is only one owner, but the ownership can be passed onto another teammate. The owner is automatically assigned the role of manager as well.


Additional privileges compared to a manager:

  • Possibility to change the owner
  • Cancel the team




The owner of a team decides who becomes a manager. Any manager is allowed to appoint other managers. All the managers have the same privileges. Is it difficult? Not at all, it has many advantages.


For example if a team manager, coach or trainer likes to control all aspects of the team, he will probably be the only manager and the others will be ordinary members.


On the other hand if there is a situation that almost all the members are equal, most of them can have the same manager's privileges.


Our advice: Before you appoint a manager, we recommend to delete secret notes in his profile which any other manager will be able to see.


Extra privileges compared to a member or a guest:



  • Teammate invitation
  • Edit other members' information (only team information, not personal) 
  • Secret notes about members (invisible to the members themselves)
  • Change a team role
  • Delete members

Matches and events

  • Enter and edit a match or an event (start and end time, meeting, opponent, match type, picture, short description, importance, event invitation for members, result)
  • Edit items - match type, venue, opponent


  • Invite members to join the event
  • Enter member's attendance and comments


  • Enter/edit/delete individual or team tasks
  • Accept or refuse another member's task


  • Highlighted manager's notification
  • Send a message to individuals via email
  • Edit/delete another member's message


  • Create a folder
  • Edit/delete another member's folder or file
  • Put a folder into a recent competition


  • Upload logo
  • Choose modules to display
  • Season setting
  • Enter a team survey 
  • Edit team characteristics 
  • Optional team (line up) items 
  • Important links - enter




They can see the whole team page content apart from the manager's notes about members. They can get fully involved in team activities.

They can edit their own profile, enter event attendance, accept/refuse task, assign a task for themselves, vote, plan attendance, discuss, upload files, etc. 




They have the same rights as members. Only their status (also for the attendance purposes) is different in the list of members


It is for anyone who is not an active team member or a player but is involved in team life. It is convenient for fans, custodians, doctors or parents.


My Profile


You can have all the information about yourself in My Profile. The tab is in the top right corner (after you log in). Or, you can simply click on your name.


My profile is divided into 3 parts: User's data, Setting for individual teams and Team News.


User's data


The data are visible to all members of your team(s) but only you can change them. You can edit anything, apart from the user's name.


We recommend uploading a photo or a picture which represents your team spirit or culture and which will be seen throughout the whole application.

Note: The profile photo format is 107x135, in other cases and different pages the pictures have a square format. That is used more often, so we recommend uploading a picture of similar size or proportion. (formats .gif, .png, .bmp, .jpg).


Settings for individual teams


These data can be filled by a member or a manager.


Managers can enter optional items, which they consider important or just for fun and which need to be filled in by members. The usual field is for example a nickname. The items chosen by a manager will also be visible in a line up.

Team absence is a very useful function if a team member cannot attend team activities for a period of time and for whatever reason (illness, injury, holiday...).


In the case of absence the attendance sheet will automatically show NO and the reason will be visible in comments.


Note: Even the relevant „future" attendance confirmed prior the illness will be changed to NO.


Role establishes a team position, this is a place where the managers can improve or decrease your team power.

Note: Because the managers'rights are equal, they can change each others roles and change a manager's role to be a member or a guest.


Manager's Secret notes about members - available to managers but they are not visible to members. It is suitable for internal evaluation of players.


Team news


Boxes with blue background on the right side. Automatically generated news from individual modules.


A user who is looking at his own page can see a combination of news from all teams he is a member of:


My upcoming matches/events - the most upcoming events

My files - my newly uploaded files

My messages - my recently created messages

My recent tasks - tasks given to me


My teammates who have a look at my profile can only see news from a team (teams) we are both members of.



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