
Settings ( Information about the team and manager's functions)

  • Adjust module display to your needs!
  • Create special items for your team‘s needs!
  • Update information and details about your team!
  • Enable your fans to access your page!
  • Create a new season!
  • Set a survey and get a feedback from others!
  • Notify teammates about important links!

In this section team managers can hide some of the modules they will not use, or create special optional items which will appear in all players‘ line ups.


Managers can edit team information and change the team logo.


Managers can also open new seasons, enter surveys and let other players vote.


It is possible to set links to interesting websites and place them on the team‘s profile.


You can enable your fans, families or friends to see what is happening inside the team. It is entirely up to you what's visible to them.




Use our services in these areas:
Strategy / Communication / Events / Digital