
Information and contacts of team members

  • Who is the team owner, trainer and who works hard on the field?
  • How many of us are in the team and who are we still waiting for?
  • Who is playing left-back, right wing and why does Ales always rest on the bench?
  • How long is Renča not going to attend the trainings for?


The Team Players section makes it is easy to know what's going on in the team.


You will have information about members and their team roles, see their photos, personal data, files or messages from members, their recent tasks, etc.


Managers can influence the number and names of optional items in this section (for example position of a member in the team, height/weight, etc.) and make personal notes about each player.


In profiles, players have a detailed overview of everything that‘s closely related to them.



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Strategy / Communication / Events / Digital